The City of Valley’s “Tree Board” will be having their annual “Arbor week tree-giveaway”, on Saturday March 8th in the city of Valley parking lot beginning at 8:00am…
“We will be offering: pear,crabapple, Japanese magnolia ( aka tulip tree), and Nantucket viburnum. Our special drawing will include large camellia bush and a butterfly bush and an added treat this year will be another special drawing from the Valleys own,”Able Gardner. Milner Letson and his dad Jacob will be giving a surprise tree or scrub at this same time . We are planning on seeing many Valley citizens turning out for this one, so please mark your calendars now”, said the City of Valley.
The event go as scheduled regardless of rain or shine, sleet or snow.
“Thanks to all our citizens in advance for your many years of support of the Valley Tree board and our wonderful Mayor and council for making all this possible”, added the City of Valley.